Wednesday, July 31, 2019

COM/537 Final Examination Study Guide Essay

This study guide will prepare you for the Final Examination you will complete in Week Six. It contains practice questions, which are related to each week’s objectives. In addition, refer to each week’s readings and your student guide as study references for the Final Examination. Week One: Communication Styles Objective: Differentiate between styles of communication. 1.Communicating in a direct but detailed style and politely speaking up if you feel demands are unreasonable is a good approach when dealing with what communication style? a.0 Sympathetics b.0 Argumentatives c.0 Directs d.0 Systematics 2.What is an effective form of communication process using everyone in the organization as sources and channels for delivering messages? a.0 Official messages b.0 Gossip c.0 Newsletter d.0 Press release Objective: Explain the business communication process. 3.The sending of a message from a source to a receiver is a.0 transmission b.0 modeling c.0 role-playing d.0 communication 4.You want to ask your father to borrow his automobile. You begin the conversation by telling him that you made an A on the test in economics today. This is an example of a.0 intrapersonal communication b.0 contextualizing c.0 narrowcasting d.0 framing Week Two: Audience Analysis Objective: Identify internal and external stakeholders for persuasive communications. 5.Which statement is inaccurate about Thomas Friedman’s â€Å"the world is flat† concept? a.0 Globalization has leveled the playing field for emerging markets. b.0 Small companies and entrepreneurs have new business opportunities. c.0 Global needs take precedence over local needs. d.0 Technology is a key factor in globalization. 6.The leadership communication style that combines the positive characteristics of multiple approaches that may change depending on the situation to build effective relationship is called what? a.0 Dance approach b.0 Somersault approach c.0 Arrow approach d.0 Circuit approach Objective: Differentiate between types of audiences. 7.Which of the following is an example of â€Å"thinking globally but acting locally†? a.0 An organization sends employees from the home country to work in an international division to better understand the needs of that location. b.0 An international company trains local individuals to manage one of its overseas divisions. c.0 An organization sends its employers to language training classes. d.0 An organization creates a special team to manage differences between divisions. 8.Ethical approaches to leadership styles of communication include the teleological approach, which states that a.0 actions need to be measured first on short-term effects and then on the long-term outcomes b.0 actions should be judged by whether they are morally right or wrong c.0 actions should be evaluated by their long-term consequences d.0 local values should determine corporate action Objective: Analyze audience perceptions and needs. 9.On the back of the Bravo laundry detergent package, the manufacturer has published a list of cancer warning signs. Which level of persuasion does this message illustrate? a.0 raising awareness b.0 increasing knowledge c.0 ensuring acceptance d.0 changing attitude 10. On your call-back interview, you ask to see the area where you will be working if you are asked to join the company. This is an example of a.0 determining the corporate power structure b.0 making initial contact with your colleagues c.0 assessing the company’s commitment to its vision statement d.0 reading institutional culture Week Three: Developing the Communication Strategy Objective: Determine communication strategy based on corporate culture, values, and ethics of organizations. 11.Your boss always seems to make the right decisions in tough situations. When a major crisis occurs, you know he or she will guide the company in the right direction. This is called a.0 obtuse trust b.0 ethical trust c.0 motivated trust d.0 practical trust 12.Customer relationship management uses information and feedback to a.0 achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty b.0 enhance promotional programs c.0 build word-of-mouth networks d.0 facilitate mass customization Objective: Select appropriate communication channels. 13.A new organic food store has decided to add another brand of apples to its existing inventory. Three major contenders are under consideration. The store decides to hold a food-tasting event for its customers to sample the various brands and to provide feedback on which apples they like best and why. This is an example of a.0 quantitative research b.0 determination research c.0 soft measurement research d.0 hard measurement research 14.The language that put ideas and materials in the hands of the masses was a.0 printed b.0 electronic c.0 spoken d.0 mediated Week Four: Internal and External Persuasive Communications Objective: Create internal and external persuasive communications. 15.Rate of speaking, silence and pausing, and volume and pitch are all elements of a.0 paralanguage b.0 vocalization c.0 accent d.0 semantics 16.Which is a suggestion for effective strategic planning? a.0 Small companies should conserve resources and concentrate on achieving short-term goals. b.0 Engaging a staff employee in the strategic planning process can help facilitate workers to buy in to the plan. c.0 Strategic planning should be a top–down process. d.0 Nonprofits should not rely on outside consultants in the strategic planning process because these types of consultants seldom know enough about the agency’s specific business or audience. Objective: Use research to support persuasive business communications. 17.According to Gallo (2009), what is the best way to gain instant credibility? a.0 Use jargon and buzzwords. b.0 Be transparent and humble. c.0 Make lofty promises. d.0 Exceed designated presentation time. 18.What tool can researchers use to identify contact relationships between users? a.0 Flowchart b.0 Physical symbol systems c.0 Transactional communications model d.0 Sociogram 19.What specifically spell(s) out how the organization will achieve goals through the use of specific tactics? a.0 Mission statements b.0 Qualitative tools c.0 Quantitative tools d.0 Objectives Objective: Evaluate messages for noise. 20.Any physical, semantic, or contextual action that detracts from or distorts the receipt of a message is called a.0 issues b.0 noise c.0 the environment d.0 cognitive dissonance 21.Which of the following statements is true? a.0 Semantics is the study of the meaning of words, phrases, and texts. b.0 Semantics is the study of dictionary definitions. c.0 Semantics is the study of effect of the arrangement of words in a sentence. d.0 Semantics is the study of how words affect decision-making processes. 22.Pausing in the process of communicating a message a.0 should be avoided because it makes the receiver question the sender’s motives b.0 should be used by the sender as a means of emphasizing the importance of one’s message c.0 should be avoided because it often acts as a form of noise and thus impedes the receiver from understanding the context of the message d.0 should be used because it allows the listener time to internalize the message and make it his or her own Week Five: Evaluating Consultant Communications Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of consultant communications. 23.According to Smith (2010), what prevents more employers from using social media? a.0 Technology issues b.0 Lack of understanding c.0 Negative comments by employees d.0 Legal concerns 24.Sarbanes-Oxley holds whom responsible for effective and efficient financial communication? a.0 Managers b.0 Accountants c.0 Consultants d.0 Customers Week Six: The Persuasive Communication Plan Objective: Design persuasive communications. 25.What theory focuses on the contexts that promote or hinder the internalization of motivation and the integration of behavior? a.0 Pseudo listener b.0 Selective perception c.0 Cognitive dissonance d.0 Self-determination 26.Before they act, people are more sensitive to messages that will help them gather and interpret information and determine whether there is a problem during what phase? a.0 Selective perception b.0 Vocalization c.0 Diversification d.0 Detection 27.What is the final stage of the process of behavior change? a.0 Implementation b.0 Decision c.0 Detection d.0 Framing Objective: Present data to various stakeholders using appropriate channels. 28.What are three components of persuasive messages that should be considered when presenting data? a.0 Message, channel, and the context b.0 Sender, receiver, and feedback c.0 Need, cost, and outcomes d.0 Benefits, appeals, and details 29.You are attending a conference where a consultant talks about the problems in IT call centers. As you listen to his problem-solution report and research data, you begin to understand why calls to your customer complaint center are not being processed in a timely manner. You are engaging in: a.0 precision listening b.0 selective perception c.0 cognitive dissonance d.0 extemporaneous thinking 30.Following the presentation of data, the decision maker goes through the information processing states, such as com/537 Final Examination Study Guide This study guide will prepare you for the Final Examination you will complete in Week Six. It contains practice questions, which are related to each week’s objectives. In addition, refer to each week’s readings and your student guide as study references for the Final Examination. Week One: Communication Styles Objective: Differentiate between styles of communication. 1.Communicating in a direct but detailed style and politely speaking up if you feel demands are unreasonable is a good approach when dealing with what communication style? a.0 Sympathetics b.0 Argumentatives c.0 Directs d.0 Systematics 2.What is an effective form of communication process using everyone in the organization as sources and channels for delivering messages? a.0 Official messages b.0 Gossip c.0 Newsletter d.0 Press release Objective: Explain the business communication process. 3.The sending of a message from a source to a receiver is a.0 transmission b.0 modeling c.0 role-playing d.0 communication 4.You want to ask your father to borrow his automobile. You begin the conversation by telling him that you made an A on the test in economics today. This is an example of a.0 intrapersonal communication b.0 contextualizing c.0 narrowcasting d.0 framing Week Two: Audience Analysis Objective: Identify internal and external stakeholders for persuasive communications. 5.Which statement is inaccurate about Thomas Friedman’s â€Å"the world is flat† concept? a.0 Globalization has leveled the playing field for emerging markets. b.0 Small companies and entrepreneurs have new business opportunities. c.0 Global needs take precedence over local needs. d.0 Technology is a key factor in globalization. 6.The leadership communication style that combines the positive characteristics of multiple approaches that may change depending on the situation to build effective relationship is called what? a.0 Dance approach b.0 Somersault approach c.0 Arrow approach d.0 Circuit approach Objective: Differentiate between types of audiences. 7.Which of the following is an example of â€Å"thinking globally but acting locally†? a.0 An organization sends employees from the home country to work in an international division to better understand the needs of that location. b.0 An international company trains local individuals to manage one of its overseas divisions. c.0 An organization sends its employers to language training classes. d.0 An organization creates a special team to manage differences between divisions. 8.Ethical approaches to leadership styles of communication include the teleological approach, which states that a.0 actions need to be measured first on short-term effects and then on the long-term outcomes b.0 actions should be judged by whether they are morally right or wrong c.0 actions should be evaluated by their long-term consequences d.0 local values should determine corporate action Objective: Analyze audience perceptions and needs. 9.On the back of the Bravo laundry detergent package, the manufacturer has published a list of cancer warning signs. Which level of persuasion does this message illustrate? a.0 raising awareness b.0 increasing knowledge c.0 ensuring acceptance d.0 changing attitude 10. On your call-back interview, you ask to see the area where you will be working if you are asked to join the company. This is an example of a.0 determining the corporate power structure b.0 making initial contact with your colleagues c.0 assessing the company’s commitment to its vision statement d.0 reading institutional culture Week Three: Developing the Communication Strategy Objective: Determine communication strategy based on corporate culture, values, and ethics of organizations. 11.Your boss always seems to make the right decisions in tough situations. When a major crisis occurs, you know he or she will guide the company in the right direction. This is called a.0 obtuse trust b.0 ethical trust c.0 motivated trust d.0 practical trust 12.Customer relationship management uses information and feedback to a.0 achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty b.0 enhance promotional programs c.0 build word-of-mouth networks d.0 facilitate mass customization Objective: Select appropriate communication channels. 13.A new organic food store has decided to add another brand of apples to its existing inventory. Three major contenders are under consideration. The store decides to hold a food-tasting event for its customers to sample the various brands and to provide feedback on which apples they like best and why. This is an example of a.0 quantitative research b.0 determination research c.0 soft measurement research d.0 hard measurement research 14.The language that put ideas and materials in the hands of the masses was a.0 printed b.0 electronic c.0 spoken d.0 mediated Week Four: Internal and External Persuasive Communications Objective: Create internal and external persuasive communications. 15.Rate of speaking, silence and pausing, and volume and pitch are all elements of a.0 paralanguage b.0 vocalization c.0 accent d.0 semantics 16.Which is a suggestion for effective strategic planning? a.0 Small companies should conserve resources and concentrate on achieving short-term goals. b.0 Engaging a staff employee in the strategic planning process can help facilitate workers to buy in to the plan. c.0 Strategic planning should be a top–down process. d.0 Nonprofits should not rely on outside consultants in the strategic planning process because these types of consultants seldom know enough about the agency’s specific business or audience. Objective: Use research to support persuasive business communications. 17.According to Gallo (2009), what is the best way to gain instant credibility? a.0 Use jargon and buzzwords. b.0 Be transparent and humble. c.0 Make lofty promises. d.0 Exceed designated presentation time. 18.What tool can researchers use to identify contact relationships between users? a.0 Flowchart b.0 Physical symbol systems c.0 Transactional communications model d.0 Sociogram 19.What specifically spell(s) out how the organization will achieve goals through the use of specific tactics? a.0 Mission statements b.0 Qualitative tools c.0 Quantitative tools d.0 Objectives Objective: Evaluate messages for noise. 20.Any physical, semantic, or contextual action that detracts from or distorts the receipt of a message is called a.0 issues b.0 noise c.0 the environment d.0 cognitive dissonance 21.Which of the following statements is true? a.0 Semantics is the study of the meaning of words, phrases, and texts. b.0 Semantics is the study of dictionary definitions. c.0 Semantics is the study of effect of the arrangement of words in a sentence. d.0 Semantics is the study of how words affect decision-making processes. 22.Pausing in the process of communicating a message a.0 should be avoided because it makes the receiver question the sender’s motives b.0 should be used by the sender as a means of emphasizing the importance of one’s message c.0 should be avoided because it often acts as a form of noise and thus impedes the receiver from understanding the context of the message d.0 should be used because it allows the listener time to internalize the message and make it his or her own Week Five: Evaluating Consultant Communications Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of consultant communications. 23.According to Smith (2010), what prevents more employers from using social media? a.0 Technology issues b.0 Lack of understanding c.0 Negative comments by employees d.0 Legal concerns 24.Sarbanes-Oxley holds whom responsible for effective and efficient financial communication? a.0 Managers b.0 Accountants c.0 Consultants d.0 Customers Week Six: The Persuasive Communication Plan Objective: Design persuasive communications. 25.What theory focuses on the contexts that promote or hinder the internalization of motivation and the integration of behavior? a.0 Pseudo listener b.0 Selective perception c.0 Cognitive dissonance d.0 Self-determination 26.Before they act, people are more sensitive to messages that will help them gather and interpret information and determine whether there is a problem during what phase? a.0 Selective perception b.0 Vocalization c.0 Diversification d.0 Detection 27.What is the final stage of the process of behavior change? a.0 Implementation b.0 Decision c.0 Detection d.0 Framing Objective: Present data to various stakeholders using appropriate channels. 28.What are three components of persuasive messages that should be considered when presenting data? a.0 Message, channel, and the context b.0 Sender, receiver, and feedback c.0 Need, cost, and outcomes d.0 Benefits, appeals, and details 29.You are attending a conference where a consultant talks about the problems in IT call centers. As you listen to his problem-solution report and research data, you begin to understand why calls to your customer complaint center are not being processed in a timely manner. You are engaging in: a.0 precision listening b.0 selective perception c.0 cognitive dissonance d.0 extemporaneous thinking 30.Following the presentation of data, the decision maker goes through the information processing states, such as comprehension and acceptance of the message, leading to what? a.0 Feedback b.0 Suggested revisions c.0 Terminal action d.0 Vocalization prehension and acceptance of the message, leading to what? a.0 Feedback b.0 Suggested revisions c.0 Terminal action d.0 Vocalization

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is an impressive literary piece that touches the reader’s feelings as well as the mind. Even thought that the story is short, it is very rich, complete, and it carries deep sense of meaning to everyone. It is also represented through a negative view of marriage with a woman that is not saddened by the death of her husband. It is a great view to read it carefully and pay attention to each and every word said in this story they are telling. This short story is trying to bring the meaning is not to believe everything that is told to you until it is seen with your own two eyes. This short story was very interesting to because it captured how the main character experienced in her life regarding something that not everyone has the luck to have the happiness of freedom, but it will only be understood at the end of the story. In the story Mrs. Mallard has heart trouble and her friends come over to break the news about her husband’s death most gentle as possible. Most of the time with a story like that as the reader reads expects to be feeling sad and for a while they thought Mrs. Mallard wouldn’t be able to control herself from the pain of having her husband pass away. She understands the news and understands the news when the author shows it little by little on how she realizes it and what helps her to understand it. In one of the paragraphs it says â€Å"She goes to the room and there stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair into this she sank† (Chopin, 1851-1904). This is a symbol of security and comfort even though h er husband died, the open window meaning the connection to another world. Mrs. Mallard ends up dying of joy that kills because she got to see her husband walk in after being told that he was killed. She dies from happiness of seeing her husband again and chooses rather to die than to live again under her husband’s will after experiencing freedom. Irony as the ability to alter other’s ideas about what might be expected and what things can really occur. Mrs. Mallard was very devastated and unable to think straight after hearing the news of the accident that had occurred with her husband. The only thing was she saw him alive and doing well. She prepared herself for her husband’s death and grieving time, so that she can see him walking in the door. In this story formalist approach is used in this literary criticism on how it was developed. In our textbooks it states that â€Å"Every writer chooses particular tools to create a presentation of something that exists in his or her imagination (Clugston, 2010). The setting of this story that makes it so memorable is that Mrs. Mallard is in her bedroom most of the time throughout this story getting ready for her to hear the bad news about her husband. There was a great surprise at the end of the story and it was that she was so shocked to know that her husband was alive and that nothing really happened to him. Mrs. Mallard with her heart condition and all was the one that got killed after a joy of killing. She thought she would have freedom even if it was just for one hour. After this hour passed it made her feel comfortable, happy, and free to make her understand a sense of her being. The story of an hour was long lived even if Mrs. Mallard only got to live an hour of her being free without her husband before she found out that he was alive. We should only believe what we see with our own two eyes before we start thinking that everything has happened. The bad news that Mrs. Mallard received was from other people that came to tell her about the accident, but really it wasn’t true because her husband appeared right through the front door. It really didn’t let her live that long after she was shocked with her husband being alive. She ends up feeling a sense of freedom, but it is a freedom that she is the one that ends up departing from this world.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Service Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Service - Assignment Example In fact, the company had no policy on how to deal with chronically complaining clients versus this critical case of a one-time customer. According to Churchman, a system is defined as a distinct set of parts that are designed in a coordinated manner to deliver some set objectives (churchman, 1968). In the case of Presto cleaners, the entire business operations formed the core system, and the newly installed computer system was just an additional component to the system. The additional component was expected to streamline business operations and improve efficiency, but it ended up creating inconveniencies. A critical analysis of the vents reveals that the computer system installed was alright, but the root cause of the problem resulted from poor reception of the components into the system. The newly introduced computerized environment was responsible for a change in the system. It is plausible that the general manager at Presto had only one week to familiarize the personnel with the workings of the new computer system. However, the employees took longer than expected to acquaint themselves with the workings of the new system. Ion adequate training resulted in incompetent personnel, who ended up making grave mistakes leading to customer complaints. The system was designed and expected to reduce customer waiting time and improve service delivery. The system was expected to increase the rate of picking and dropping laundry items, hence increase the total bulk of clothes processed daily. It is apparent that there was nothing wrong with the whole system in the first place. It only required the management to create an enabling environment that will make it possible to introduce new components into the system in a smooth transition. The considerations of systems thinking as elucidated by Churchman can serve as vital ingredients in an organization

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Another Countryby James Baldwin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Another Countryby James Baldwin - Essay Example The time period used in this book is late 1950s. The main concept discussed is in this book is how life teaches you different lessons. His digression from the right paths has led him to the point of suicide. Therefore, one must always be steadfast and use the right paths for fame so that he may not live to regret in the later path of his life like Rufus. Rufus was in love with a woman called Leona, who was a white woman. Rufus used to beat Leona and always used to ask her "Do you love me" This shows the inner insecurity that Rufus felt about his relationship. This relationship wasn't successful as Leona goes insane in the end and Rufus was at a point of committing suicide. This shows that it was increasingly difficult in America at the time for people of different races to get together and get married. And this discrimination was probably the reason why Rufus committed suicide.The racial discrimination was so common in America during that time that Baldwin correctly highlight in the words of Cass, a character from his novel: All policemen in those days were working for white people and they treat blacks very badly. In his novel at point of (245) we were told what Cass thought about policemen and how they used to treat black people. Another important characters discussed in the novel were Vivaldo, Ida's lover, Rufus's best friend, and an aspiring novelist; Eric, a white actor from the South and Rufus's erstwhile lover who has fled to France; Yve

Formal essay on Frankenstein Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Formal on Frankenstein - Essay Example We study the same in our thesis here. Much as the critics would hate it, Shelley’s depiction of how Frankenstein is created is a wholly enjoyable read that has the elements of hatred and loathsomeness intertwined with a feeling of awe and surprise. Shelley has used words like â€Å"trance†, â€Å"work-shop of filthy creation†, and â€Å"all soul and sensation† (Shelley, 50), which add that poetic flavor to a scene that is in plain words horrendous and ethically wrong. Victor Frankenstein is a person who wishes to create a being of his own type. He is consumed with the idea of being a creator but unaware of the responsibilities that come with it. He creates the monster or ghost in a state of trance, wherein no other human element is involved. Thus, the ghost is a sub human creation and not a clone expected through science. Using the power of spirit to rule over the world is often a writer’s chance to open up different visuals in the mind of the reader. Many argue that quite a few salient features of the original novel are missing from its movie version. Amongst these features, one factor is the emphasis on the confused origin of the monster clone. Humans have grown with the understanding that for procreation, a male and a female must come together. In this story, the scientific vision of creation, that is solely man-made, is generated by making Victor the sole creator of a monster, which is born out of no woman. Therefore, again the monster’s origin is non-human which makes him unfit to exist in the human society, let alone be born or have a family. With such a start, the reader goes through a series of thought lines that the monster takes in his consecutive scenes. According to the writer, the monster grows a fondness for Elizabeth who is Elizabeth’s cousin and a love interest. We can understand that such fondness comes from the fact that the monster

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Deregulation of the Financial Sector in Japan Essay - 8

Deregulation of the Financial Sector in Japan - Essay Example Thomas Friedman in his book, â€Å"The World is flat†, described this process as â€Å"Glocalization†. What this means is the marriage of globalization with localization or adapting global practices to local needs. In the case of ML, it means that its managers if they are to get a share of the 1.2 Trillion in household savings, they have to re-orient their strategies towards the local market. The strategic challenges that confront global managers are how to work around the complex set of laws that govern capital movement in the countries in which they operate. Though many countries have joined the WTO (World Trade Organization), they have not yet fully embraced the conditions that govern this trade organization. For instance, in many of the countries, full capital account convertibility is not allowed and only partial convertibility is allowed. Global managers in the global economy need to go beyond the straitjacket attitude towards business that proclaims â€Å"one size fits all† approach. Instead, they have to ensure that their companies make tailor-made products for each country and each region. This has been illustrated in the case involving ML when the company tried to set up branches in the retail space and had to withdraw them later in the face of mounting losses. This was a clear instance of a global company retreating in the face of sustained local regulations over which it had no control. One reason multilateral institutions like the World Bank and the IMF prescribe policies that guarantee uniformity of regulations is to ensure that the local economy benefits from competition. However, this has led to demands for level playing fields from local companies. Hence, global managers have their task cut out when they present their case for uniform regulations. The best strategy would be to convince the regulators to liberalize the financial sector while keeping the checks and balances in place. Another point that the case highlights are for global managers to be tuned to the changes in the country’s regulatory and financial environment.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Image of Chinese and Japan Dragons Term Paper

The Image of Chinese and Japan Dragons - Term Paper Example The extent of the power of this mysterious creature was such that it was considered as the god of rain, thunder, rainbow, and stars. China being an agro-based society, entirely dependent upon the environment and climate for communal wellbeing, it was the dragon that was worshipped so that sufficient food would be provided. For thousands of years, this custom sustained. The dragon was worshipped and more and more deification was bestowed upon it from being the bringer of joy to bringing prophecies and miracles. The dragon was made into an exclusive symbol of imperial majesty by the emperors. They also compared themselves with the dragons. There was a robust punishment for those who used the dragon as a symbol intentionally or unintentionally. This meant that the ruler was being offended hence the punishment for the offender was death (Dragon). A series of changes have transformed the image of a dragon and it is now more mighty and beautiful. Initially, its illustration on primitive br onze ware was portrayed as ferocious and mysterious. However, during the Han Dynasty, it became magnificent and unrestrained. Moreover, the image of the dragon was personalized as gentle, tame and graceful during the reign of Tang. Nevertheless, it was after the Song Dynasty onwards that it was portrayed as more flowery and delicate. These dragons are found in various different colors. They range from yellow to black, blue, white or red. The most revered was the yellow one because of which each emperor wore a gown that was decorated with a yellow patterned dragon. The basics behind these dragons remain the same despite the differences. This is because people are familiar with the combination of the features of animals. The protruding head of a dragon signifies wisdom, however, longevity is shown by the antlers. According to the imperial examination, the ox’s ears denote success. The tiger’s eyes indicate power, bravery is conveyed by the eagle’s claws, flexibili ty is implied by the fish’ tail and diligence is shown by the horse’s teeth.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Urban School District--Baltimore City Schools in MD Essay

Urban School District--Baltimore City Schools in MD - Essay Example This is because it encourages teachers to take control of their professional careers and improve their effectiveness. This effectiveness is enabled since teachers can now determine the pace at which they earn. Apart from school based programs, the other main attraction to both the teachers and the students towards Baltimore City School is its location. Being located in an urban area within the city of Baltimore; a city with beautiful attractions nice people and culture, makes it so affordable and interesting thus desirable for individuals to live in. Challenges that might be expected in Baltimore City Public School Considering the fact that Baltimore City Public School is an urban school, poses a great threat towards the school. This is because there are so many challenges associated with urban district schools. Some of these challenges include; Shortage of teachers, government oversight, politicized school boards, School staff accountability among others, funding for infrastructure. Some of the consequences that might result to affect the urban schools negatively when these problems are not solved in time include the following: Poor learning infrastructure such as classrooms might expose the student to harsh environmental conditions thus affecting their health, performance of the students might also deteriorate as a result of fewer teachers. This will be possible because the teachers might not be able to effectively manage a huge number of students. Teachers are also subjected to low earnings whenever students perform poorly thus reducing their morale when handling large classes of students (Richards & Farrell 78). How to address the challenges associated with the extreme urban district Some individuals have argued that treatment is better than cure. As in this case many will tend to agree with them. This is because the result of these challenges can be anticipated thus need for better preparation on how to handle them. For these measures to be handled speedily and without favor, it will require full involvement of every party which is at risk of being affected by these challenges. This is important not only because it will facilitate the speed of the work, but also because it will ensure that every individual is self motivated in order to achieve these goals. As for this case, one might involve both the teachers, students, parents and even government officials since all these people might be affected either directly or indirectly. For instance, the issue of teacher shortage can be addressed by requesting unattached teachers from the surrounding community to volunteer. On the other hand able parents can also be requested to finance these volunteering teachers. The pay cut on teachers’ salaries on account of poor performance by students can be handled by, calling on the government to look at it in perspective of teacher student ratio. It can also be handled by encouraging group discussion among students thus enhancing learning among students; this method can ease the teachers’ job since it will be easier to handle the groups compared to students. In order to solve any problem concerning schools, the school boards are always the key factors in their respective schools. As for the case of Baltimore City Public school, all the stakeholders are then expected to elect transparent

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The economic performance of the UK compared to Japan since 1990 has Essay - 1

The economic performance of the UK compared to Japan since 1990 has clearly demonstrated the superiority of the Anglo Saxon model over State Led Capitalism. Discuss - Essay Example Where as in state led capitalism, the productive forces are directed and controlled by the government in a capitalist manner. It is a social system combining capitalism with state ownership. Anglo Saxon economic model encourages innovation, competitiveness, and promote overall prosperity, and produces less inequality and poverty at the lowest margins of a society. It creates more jobs and delivers better working conditions as seen in UK where working condition is better than Japan. When people invest their own money, they have a chance to make profit by best efforts. Here production utilises at optimum level as the individual interest is involved. Competition pushes the producer to take up productive steps such as new technology, cost cutting, and use of best supply chain for making good profit (Schmidt, Vivien A., 2002). Other than these advantages, this economy also proves some disadvantages. This model of economy is responsible for a life of low wages and long hours for its employees. It creates inequality in society as the more talented and innovative people build strong financial position compared to less skilled individuals. Adding, poverty rates which were substantially higher in recent years in UK, where the economy is basically followed by Anglo Saxon economy model (Schmidt, Vivien A, 2002). State led capitalism economy advocates for the principle of individual rights. Consistent and rapid economic growth is the proven outcome of this economy. Human welfare is common in this economy. Its decentralised system of coordination is the greatest strength of its economy. But it has also some negative factors in its model. Because of more government intervention, social evils like nepotism, corruption, poor management may hurt the growth rate. In United Kingdom, Anglo Saxon model has allowed higher incomes for low paid workers, and at the same time it enhanced

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The role of sexuality in Victorian society applied to A. S. Byatts Essay

The role of sexuality in Victorian society applied to A. S. Byatts Possession - Essay Example Byatt’s novel Possession. Although the novel tells a fictional tale of two literary scholars tracking down evidence of a love affair between two Victorian era poets, episodes dedicated to the poets themselves reveal a great deal of information regarding the way of life of women during this period in history. Unlike much of the non-fiction articles that have been written about life in Victorian England and elsewhere, Byatt’s novel provides a glimpse of several different women during this period that held quite opposing views regarding their individual sexualities. By tracing through the novel Possession and comparing it with non-fictional accounts of this period and critical evaluation, one can begin to gain a sense of how women had been severely restricted in their options in Victorian society as well as how they rebelled or worked within it to achieve their own sense of sexuality. There are three principle female characters involved in the Victorian portion of the novel, each with her own strengths and weaknesses demonstrating how she has both conformed to and resisted the definitions placed upon her by the strict nature of Victorian England. Christabel LaMotte is a scholar and minor poetess who is the object of Randolph Henry Ash’s fascinated attention. Blanche Glover is the companion of Christabel, sharing her home and dream of independence but not able to retrieve the same sense of fulfillment as she does not receive recognition for her actions. A fourth woman, Sabine Kercoz, Christabel’s younger cousin, adds her own perspective regarding female sexuality during the Victorian age from the unique oblique of the French countryside.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Visual Literacy Essay Example for Free

Visual Literacy Essay Visual Literacy throughout the history of our world has been important; dating back to cave drawings and carvings, and developing all the way to automated street signs signaling vehicles when to slow, stop, or go. Visuals are a part of our daily lives today as much as they were at the beginning of man’s time-and other living beings’ time-and his, first ability to communicate, visually. Communication was not something that was first spoken or written, it was something shown or demonstrated; such as dance for instance, while someone else was viewing/watching, to portray a message or a feeling to that other person. Whether the Visual Literacy or communication is hand signals-similar to sign language, facial expressions-as simple as the way an individual winks at another individual today, a nod to another person, or something as complex as an artists’ message through a painting, sculpture, other, or not; Visual Literacy is and always will be the first mode of communication in the past, present, and future. Visual Literacy can be a considered a universal language because everybody, or most individuals understand pictures, drawings, artwork, or hand signals/sign language of today. â€Å"The only individuals who do not understand visuals are the blind community-however, this handicap is adapted by the body and other the other body senses become enhanced greatly† (B. Kennedy, 2010). Perhaps sign language varies throughout different regions of the world, but the basics will always be well-known, regardless. For example, pointing to oneself means me, no matter what country you are residing in. A simple sign such as this is a basic way to communicate, and is universal. If two individuals from different countries who did not understand each other were to sit down together and draw a picture of a house, hut, or dwelling of some sort; each individual would understand the drawing, or picture of a dwelling as a home. This is considered Visual Literacy, as well. These two individuals may not be speaking with their mouths, or sounds, but they are communicating with visuals. Brian Kennedy provides an excellent portrayal of what he believes Visual Literacy to be in today’s world. However, our text provides a wonderful explanation of Visual Literacy within the business world today as well, and between both of these resources is a wealth of information. Mr. Kennedy takes a very literal look at Visual Literacy- no pun intended. Kennedy believes that what we view each day through sight is a way that we can learn and communicate if we pay attention. Most of the time, however, we do not pay attention. In fact, he states, â€Å"everything we see is an image, but unless we connect cognition and memory, we do not remember what we see† (B.  Kennedy, 2010). We see hundreds of images everyday throughout our lives, but unless we have some connection to the image, we do not retain it. However, if we â€Å"slow-look, we can look, see, describe, analyze, and interpret or construct meaning† (B. Kennedy, 2010). As with this prior quote, Mr. Kennedy made many other interesting statements within his presentation. For instance, â€Å"we read non-text 60,000 times faster than written text,† and â€Å"90% of what we learn is taken in visually† (B. Kennedy, 2010). Regarding our text, and the definition provided regarding Visual Literacy compared to the video containing Brian Kennedy speaking about the subject, our text is more business oriented, or technically derived. The text this week seems to focus on the high-tech aspect of Visual Literacy. This includes television, billboards, computer images, etc. Also, there almost has to be a difference between the two definitions because one was presented visually, and the other was presented in a written format. Within the text, there are other terms for Visual Literacy, such as media literacy, for example. Also, within our text (W.Ryan, 2012), are two authors (Avgerinou and Ericson, 1997) featured who present this opinion of the definition of Visual Literacy along with 9 other definitions, but will not get into in this paper: â€Å"Visuals may be objects, events, actions, pictorial representations, nonverbal or digital symbols, written words, or numbers. They then argue that visual literacy refers to the use of visuals for communicating, thinking, learning, constructing meaning, creative expression, and aesthetic enjoyment. For example, supplementing a business meeting with visuals created in PowerPoint or Prezi communicate information in a manner alternative to the  spoken word, may engage visually literate audience members in critical thinking about the message, and help them learn more than they may have if they had only heard the message. When these media are used effectively and appropriately, they may stimulate creative thinking and generate affects or liking among audience members through the use of charts, graphs, audio, images, and video† (Avgerinou and Ericson, 1997). It seems that our text is much more technical as far as addressing the definition of Visual Literacy, than the video created by Brian Kennedy. Perhaps it seems that way because the definition that Brian Kennedy offers is visual, as well as audible, but it does seem that he offers a much easier explanation. Communication, through visuals such as photographs for example, have been a way of communicating across borders, oceans, and continents over the decades. One photograph that finds its way on a national magazine cover can convey much more than an entire book devoted to a certain topic. A wonderful example of this comes from our text this week, and that is The National Geographic cover of â€Å"Afghan Girl† that was the cover of the magazine when this girl featured was just 17. It touched many people, and many lives, enough for the photographer to search her out years later without even knowing her name. She was found, and reunited with the photographer, but how does a girl who did not want her picture taken to begin with, react to a huge worldwide reaction to her picture so many years ago, and now with so much attention? She never even knew, or saw her picture. That says quite a bit, as well, as far as Visual Literacy. Perhaps it does not reach as far as we think it does. Globally, perhaps we are not there yet, with our Visual Literacy-or, as easy of a definition, communicating visually. Perhaps we are still a bit Visually Illiterate when it comes to the way we want to portray others, our art, our people, or people from other countries. Also, we should be aware of the way that other countries present us visually. That is something that The United States has not really worried about too much, it seems. We find ourselves upon a pedestal at times and just burst in and start snapping pictures, or slapping paint, etc. The story regarding â€Å"The Afghan Girl† was a reminder of that. We, as a Great Big Beautiful, Wonderful, Intelligent Country believe that all of our media reaches every crevice in the entire world, yet it does not, by any means. We must be mindful of that, while still trying to see everything we are looking at†¦. References: Avgerinou, M. , Ericson, J. (1997). A Review of the Concept of Visual Literacy. British Journal of Educational Technology. Kennedy, B. (2010). Brian Kennedy’s TedTalk: Brian Kennedy: Visual Literacy and Why We Need It . Retrieved From: (http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=OefLEpds5Is). Ryan, W. (2012). Visual literacy: learning to see. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Provide support to maintain and develop skills for everyday life Essay Example for Free

Provide support to maintain and develop skills for everyday life Essay Skills for everyday life allow people to do the things that meet their daily needs. These are also known as activities of daily living that have a direct affect on any individual’s health and well-being. It is often thought that care workers look after people by doing things for them. Another approach is to do things with people. Today care workers should work in partnership with individuals and groups of individuals. Partnership is about working together as equals in order to : -Support the individual to make as many decisions about their care as possible -Support the individual to do as much for themselves as possible. Activities of daily living – skills that directly affect an individual’s everyday health and well- being Partnership – working together as equals. Working in partnership can maintain and develop individual skills . Care workers can still involve the individual even when doing things for them. They consider individual needs when maintaining skills for everyday life. Doing things for individuals: Providing too much care can make people’s problems worse: Individuals can lose skills they once used Individuals do not learn new skills -Individuals do not regain skills they have lost. Read more:  Outline Agreed Ways of Working That Relate to Managing Pain and Discomfort At different stages of life individuals might have different health problems that affect their skills for everyday life.Being aware of the activities of daily living helps care workers understand the problems that individuals might have. Problems with everyday living skills: -Physical health ( Feeling unwell such as with a fever leads to tiredness and inability to carry on with the usual activities of daily living. -Learning disabilities (An individual with learning disabilities might take longer to learn new everyday skills) -Mental health (An individual with mental health problems might neglect themselves so they do not eat and drink) People may not be strong enough to dress themselves or prepare their own meals. -Physical disability (Some physical disabilities prevent individuals  going shopping unsupported) -Social isolation (An individual who is lonely is less likely to communicate with others) Care workers can develop their understanding of an individual’s condition and how best to work in partnership to maintain, regain and develop their skills.If a condition prevents an individual from using skills of everyday life, the result can have a significant impact on the person’s quality of life. The effect of conditions on everyday skills: -Pain -Inconvenience -Isolation -Humiliation -Distress -Discomfort

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Strong Corporate Image Business Essay

A Strong Corporate Image Business Essay Abstract For a variety of reasons, both academic and business interests in corporate image have increased significantly in recent years. Organizations have realized that a strong corporate image can help them align with the marketplace, attract investment, motivate employees and serve as a means to differentiate their products and services. Thus, many organizations are striving to develop a distinct and recognizable image. This paper investigates what organizations perceive as the essential components of the concept of corporate image and issue advertising. It proposes a general concept about the organization belong to 21st century are more focused towards the betterment of societal and environment. A detail analysis has been performed related to the companys assessment regarding to the carbon emission in relation with the consumer perspective and the importance of social advertising. A corporate image is the strongest determinant of any corporations sustainability. Stock prices can always co me back. Business strategies can always be changed but, when an organizations image is gravely injured, its really difficult, long-term, and uncertain. A risk to its image is a threat to the survival of the enterprise. Leaders who have built a strong image know what it takes: an internal culture that forges a positive opinion of the company by successfully coping with both expected and unanticipated challenges. They know that PR is not a bandage that will cover risky behavior. Most of all, they know they must understand their stakeholders, and that every companys solution must be unique. A companys approach must include structured engagement with investors, regulators, activist organizations, communities, and the media. The primary feature of this engagement is active listening. It provides a means for developing a trained intelligence that enables leaders to anticipate external responses to their actions. And, when necessary, it delivers a perspective that helps protect them from t he kind of competition-driven excesses that seem to arise so easily in our pressurized market environment. Failure to build a culture of attentive engagement can prove devastating, and the world has witnessed spectacular reputational collapses over recent years. Enron and WorldCom are the best known, but, at bottom, these are simple cases of thievery and fraud. An admonition not to steal would be lost on those who are striving to be creatively criminal. Of far greater interest to the great majority of CEOs, and more instructive of the dangers that can lurk in any corporations DNA, are the reputational compromises that have occurred at such companies as Merck, Marsh McLennan, Arthur Andersen, and Monsanto. Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Purpose: 3 Format 3 Essential components of corporate image HYPERLINK #__RefHeading__52079_896431004HYPERLINK #__RefHeading__52079_896431004 issue advertising 4 Corporate Communications 6 Corporate design 6 Corporate Culture 6 Behavior 7 Corporate structure 7 Corporate strategy 7 Steps in building corporate image 9 Top management involvement: 9 Select appropriate Model 9 Involvement of Stakeholders 9 Motivate employees to become corporate representative 9 Communication tactic 9 References 10 Introduction Purpose: The image of organization, as of the viewpoint of customers, is the basis of a high-quality corporate image building program. Effective image management surrounding brand traits is of dominant importance in achieving goals of the organization. Social advertising effectiveness can be calculated by marketing evaluations. The rationale of this paper is to analyze the strategies of effective corporate image, edifice and supervision the same with indication to acquiring maximum customer value for long-run organization gains. Format The paper reviews the literature on the corporate image building and develops arguments in reference to the corporate image and issue advertising. The debate in the paper is emphatically extended over how companies are assessing carbon consciousness among consumers, issue advertising, media impact on corporate image and environmental knowledge. This paper also discusses the essential components of corporate image and issue advertising, process that builds corporate image through media communication and stakeholders involvement. Essential components of corporate image issue advertising The essential components of corporate image and issue advertising are as follows: Corporate Communications Controlled corporate communication Uncontrolled communication Indirect communication Corporate Design Corporate visual identity system Application of CVIS Corporate Culture Corporate philosophy Corporate values Corporate mission Corporate Principles Corporate guidelines Corporate History Founder of the company Country of origin Subculture Behaviour Employee Behaviour Management Behavior Corporate Structure Brand Structure Organization Structure Corporate Strategy Differentiation Strategy Positioning Strategy Corporate Communications Elif Karaosmanoglu, [2005] corporate communication is a term that encompasses all the ways in which the organization communicates with its various stakeholders. Thus, all of the messages emanating from an organization, everything that it produces and all of the activities it is involved in will act to shape stakeholders perceptions. Corporate communication can be both controlled and uncontrolled in nature. Communication intentionally instigated by management with the aim of improving stakeholder relationships is classified as controlled corporate communication. Conversely, uncontrolled communication takes place when organizations influence stakeholders perceptions unintentionally. Corporate design Corporate design is a term used to describe the vast number of visual cues that are associated with a specific organization. Corporate visual identity system (CVIS) is composed of five main elements: the organizations name, slogan, logotype/symbol, color and typography. Visual identity can be conveyed in other ways, for example, through the companies products and vehicles and the location as well as the architecture of its buildings. The interior office design, for example, may symbolize many aspects of the corporate culture. Simà µes, Dibb Fisk, (2005), The creation of strong corporate identity, including identity signs, is crucial for companies to encourage positive attitudes in its different target publics and may provide an important competitive advantage . Corporate Culture T.C. Melewar [2005] there is a plethora of different views as to what constitutes corporate culture. Some argue that it is strongly associated with rituals, for example, one interviewee explicit stated that culture: . . . is the way we do things around here. There is a range of views concerning the relationship between corporate culture and corporate identity. Culture epitomizes the consensus within a company about how activities should be accomplished and is conceived as a result of a groups shared experience and learning with respect to matters of external adaptation and internal integration. Behavior Behavior is another fairly intangible aspect of corporate identity. However, an analysis is made easier by breaking it down into a number of elements that make up behavior including, corporate, employee and management behavior. Many commentators suggest that the actions of a corporation are a fundamental element of its identity. Albert and Whetten [2003], asserted that an organizations brand identity should achieve three things: capture the essence of the organization, distinguish the organization from others and exhibit the same degree of commitment in behavior over time. Corporate structure Corporate structure consists of organizational structure and branding structure and is cited by several authors as being a fundamental component of corporate image. Brand structure: organizations engage in branding strategies in order to differentiate themselves from competitors. Strong brands are fundamental in establishing an identity in the marketplace, strengthening customer loyalty and for many companies are vital in counteracting the growing power of retailers. Organizational structure: The organizational structure is associated with the organizational hierarchy, lines of communication and reporting responsibilities. Of greatest importance is the degree of centralization and decentralization, in terms of both geography and across products Corporate strategy Corporate strategy is the blueprint of the firms fundamental objectives and strategies for competing in their given market. It thus determines what the company produces, the level of profit made and stakeholder perceptions about the company. Many commentators suggest that a strong link exists between corporate strategy and corporate image. Price Water House Coopers [2003] non financial performance is more important than current financial results in creating long term share holder value. Non-financial results sometimes are more important in developing a overall corporate image for example developing a process that will generate less CO2 emission as compare to old processes. Steps in building corporate image Top management involvement: Every branding strategy begins from the board room. Top management involvement helps organization in building strong corporate image. Corporate image is totally a strategic decision taken by the senior management of organization. Select appropriate Model Business Model is the spine of branding strategy. So, it is significant to choose the best replica for your business or put up your own. Because each business has its own wants and working background, therefore, it is best to construct a model which is aligned with the company needs and values Involvement of Stakeholders Stake holders are ones who are directly affected with the organization decision, company should take them in to confidence and involve them in decision making. Initiate activities resulting in the betterment of share holders. Motivate employees to become corporate representative Provide proper knowledge to employees for, e.g., vision, mission, values, and work culture. They can be the best representative of your organization. Educate them about the goals and future aims of the organization. Communication tactic Communication tactic is of prime importance when it comes to create strong brand image. A well planned and defined marketing strategy is helpful in understanding customers needs, helps is identifying issues need to be advertised in order to build strong brand image.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Biotechnology Study Guide :: essays research papers

BIOTECHNOLOGY 1- Biotechnology is various methods that use living organisms to make products or provide services. 2- 4 Products of biotechnology are yogurt, cheese, bread, and beer 3- Selective breeding is breeding individuals with specific traits to get an offspring with similar traits. 4- Reproductive technology is the term given to an area of study involving cell biology and DNA 5- 3 Possible benefits of reproductive technology are : ïÆ'  ,possible increase of the world’s food supply ïÆ'  ,producing new types of foods ïÆ'  ,uncovers treatment for various diseases 6- DNA is called a nucleic acid because it is found in the cell’s nucleus and is acidic. 7- A Nucleotide is a segment of DNA that is composed of 1 sugar molecule, 1 phosphate group, and 1 of 4 nitrogen bases. (adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine) 8- One of the most important messages carried by DNA is instructions for making proteins. a ) This is important because protein molecules make up most of the structure of cells and tissues in plants and animals. b ) enzymes and hormones are included in proteins. 9- i ) A codon is made up of 3 consecutive bases, C-T-A. i i ) DNA contains the instructions on how amino acids should be assembled, which then determines how the codons must be put together. i i i ) Codons recognize particular amino acids. i v ) Amino acids are strung together to form proteins. v ) The number, order, and kinds of amino acids determines the structure and function of the protein. v i ) â€Å"Protein A† is formed by 2 amino acids v i i ) The segment of DNA with the instruction to form â€Å"Protein A† is called â€Å"gene A†. 10- Mutations are made when mistakes are made with the characteristics of a cell.

The Roaring Twenties Essay -- America 1920s

The Roaring Twenties Rarely has the world seen such a unique decade in time as the Roaring Twenties. It was an age of prosperity and change. The United States experienced a recession that was followed by a period of unlimited prosperity. Although the United States encountered both positive and negative experiences, it proved to be very influential in the future. The 1920's were definitely "Roaring" in more ways than one. There were major changes in American Society during the 1920's that took place. Many new industries emerged during this decade that influenced society and the American way of life. Even the federal government had different feelings about the business industry. The characteristics of this decade made the 1920's one never to be forgotten in America because of its influence. During the 1920's a dramatic change occurred in American Society. American people experienced a period in their life that would not only affect the economy but even their own personal lives. African Americans had little to celebrate in this period except for the cultural movements such as Harlem Renaissance, which they introduced themselves. The 1920's were a period that reached both blacks and whites and forced everyone to pay attention. Racial incidents still took place throughout the United States before the 1920's. In 1920 the women?s suffrage was finally achieved with the nineteenth amendment. This was also a change because it left the women's movement confused and uncertain about its goals and its future strategies. Prohibition played a key role in the Roaring Twenties and the early years of the depression. It was the sale or manufacture of illegal alcohol. To prohibit the sale of illegal alcohol was an attempt to us... ...nist who put on many shows. He proved to be very influential and was a hero to American people. Lindbergh flew a single engine airplane across the Atlantic Ocean. He flew from New York to Paris in 33 hours and 30 minutes. Communications Industry also emerged throughout the Roaring Twenties. World War I influenced the commercial industry. The Radio was the main influence during the 1920?s. It was an Italian invention used during World War I. The radio was found in almost every American home for entertainment. The President broadcasted his in inaugural speech for the first time on the radio. The Radio allowed the American people to listen to political speeches. This was also an advantage for baseball fans. Baseball fans could listen to a live broadcast of the Brooklyn Dodgers. Overall the Radio was a huge influence in the 1920?s and is still now very important.

Friday, July 19, 2019

An Inspector Calls Essay -- miscellaneous

An Inspector Calls How does Priestley use the character of the Inspector to convey his own opinions and attitudes? An Inspector Calls, set in 1912, is a play with many social and political messages. J. B. Priestley believed a great deal in socialism and believed that many other people needed to be more caring about their community and the people in it. Priestley uses the character of the Inspector to convey his own thoughts, feelings and opinions about social issues. However, he also uses other characters, particularly Mr.Birling, to show the audience how cynical some people can be. It is possible that J.B.Priestley set this play in 1912 for a reason. Arthur Birling is a rich businessman who thinks very highly of himself, even though he is often wrong. Arthur's family respect him and listen intently to his ideas that 'there isn't a chance of war' and the Titanic is 'unsinkable.' As the play was written in 1947 and set in 1912, this is an example of dramatic irony and the audience would know that Arthur was very wrong in his opinions and might even think him to be stupid. When he says 'the way some of these cranks talk and write now, you'd think everybody has to look after everybody else', he explicitly says that he is strongly Capitalist and is narrow minded. Priestley wanted the audience to have a low opinion of Birling because he was discouraging his Capitalist politics and trying to show people like Birling to be at fault When Mr.Birling makes his speech he makes several points which Priestley himself disagrees with, he uses the Inspector as a medium to make a point to both the Birling family and the audience that we shouldn’t all â€Å"Look out for our own† which is how Birling describes it. According to Mr.Birlin g every man should put himself first, even before his family. We know this when he says â€Å"A man should look out for himself, and his family if he has one†; this shows just how full of self-importance he actually is. The timing of the Inspector’s entrance is immediately after Birling has made this speech. Throughout the play there are hints that the Inspector isn’t all he seems to be, is it possible that he’s actually just a fraud claiming to be an Inspector? The Inspector called himself 'Goole,' which could be a pun on the word 'ghoul' which is often referred to as some kind of ghostly being. Towards the end of this script it becomes appa... ...police saying that 'A girl has just died.... after swallowing some disinfectant' and a real Inspector will question the family. This is an unexpected twist. The fake Inspector was there to punish them on a moral level and to try and make them feel guilty enough to change their behaviour. This was accomplished with Eric and Sheila, but not with the others. The only thing that they would be affected by was a 'public scandal,' and the real Inspector would ensure that that is what they would get. Without this twist, it would seem that the Birling parents and Gerald would escape unpunished. The Inspector's main purpose is to teach. In the context of the play, he told the characters what had happened to a particular girl because they had each been guilty of selfishness. In regards to the whole of society, he voiced Priestley's opinions that we cannot make any progress if we do not work together. In my opinion, those watching or reading the play today would not gain as much from the story in regards to the moral teachings because most have now accepted the advantages of Socialism over Capitalism and so do not have as much to learn on the arguments of this issue as the audiences of 1947.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Problems of the Society Essay

Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behaviour cannot be legislated. The topic very well states that many of the problems faced by the modern world cannot be solved by laws and legal system for the reason that the moral behaviour responsible for these problems cannot be legalised. To start with the very usage of words like ‘sorry’ , ‘please’ , ‘thanks’ cannot be forced by the law eventhough these words have a very high impact on the people in their day to day to activities. It is just the moral responsibility or a reflection of the moral behaviour of a person in doing so. Law can only confine or restrict a individuals physical presence but not his thoughts and perceptions. The very fact that people have a lot of rights in a democratic country restricts the law and puts it into a backseat in controlling the moral behaviour of the people. It is for the people to act justly. A number of Prohibition experiments conducted by the Government to control the consumption of alcohol failed miserably. People never gave up and found new ways of acquiring alcohol inspite of many restrictions from the govt. It is the people who have to understand the ill-effects of alcohol on the society and act accordingly. We have also witnessed a number of cases where people suffering with AIDS are ostracized by the community. Legal system can only help support these people physically/financially but not morally. It is the people who have to understand and act accordingly. One important problem faced by most of the countries is that of Pollution. There are many laws enacted by the Govt. to control pollution. No doubt that these laws are helpful in controlling pollution till a extent but the real control and effect of these laws is put to question. There are factories who would prefer to do away with the rules and regulation by paying up fine/penalty for not adhering to the norms instead of regulating their methods of production because they find it more convenient financially doing so. Air pollution can also be controlled by growing sense of awareness within the people using automobiles say the usage of multi-modal transport whenver possible instead of their personal cars and/or maintaining a sound condition of the engine of the vehicle. Instead law cannot make it mandatory for people to travel only by multi-modal transport system.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hardware vs Software Routing Essay

A router back be defined as a device that connects two or more than two computing machine net incomes and selectively exchanges packets of info among them. Every packet data encompasses address information that a router can give to find out whether the terminus and source are on the alike meshwork, or if the packet data must be transmitted from unitary net income to another.Through projecting routing needs and network relations centered on the types and sum of applications and ironware devices used in environment, one can better choose whether to use a packet router, a hardware router, or a combination of both. When talk about hardware and software router, thither are numerous advantages hardware router has oer software router. Few of them are mentioned below. computer hardware router has higher throughput as compared to software router and computer solutions particularly Windows based.Hardware router is very current and runs easily once you set it up and does not acquire any attention, magic spell software router are unreliable and does not run easily (Haverkort, Bohnenkamp & Smith, 2000). Hardware-based routers suitcase enceinte routing demands improvely, whereas software routers can only handle lighter routing loads. Hardware router does not require a PC to be running game to permit access for other computers.In addition, hardware router does not contain any software or files that can be deleted, harmed, copied, stolen, etc.whereas, there is a put on the line in software router. A software router can be very perfect on a segmented and downhearted network with comparatively light traffic between subnets as it cannot bear practically load and traffic. However, hardware-based routers can bear morose traffic and enterprise network environments that turn out a huge quantity of network divisions and an extensive range of performance desires use range of hardware routers in pitch to perform various roles throughout the network.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Law of Tort

Law of Tort

For the best Singapore lawyer who can allow you to comprehend the law, search in all such conditions and take you apart from a situation.Occupiers liability is perhaps a distinct form of negligence in that there must be a duty of care and breach of duty, causing damage.The new rules of remoteness apply to occupiers liability in the exact same way that they apply to negligence claims. Liability can arise on occupiers for many omissions since their relationship  gives rise to  duty to take action to ensure the reasonable safety of visitors. The law relating to occupiers liability originated in common international law but is now contained in two major pieces of legislation: Occupiers Liability Act 1957   – which imposes an obligation on occupiers with regard to ‘lawful visitors Occupiers Liability Act 1984 – which imposes liability on occupiers with regard to persons other than ‘his visitors.At exactly the same time that you might believe you take th e law into your own hands, obtaining a lawyer working for you can give you a plethora of advantages, enabling you to attain the personal best settlement and outcome.Both the Occupiers Liability Acts of 1957 and 1984  impose an obligation on occupiers rather than land owners. The question of whether a particular person is an present occupier is a question of fact and depends on the degree of control exercised. The test applied is one of ‘occupational control and there may be more than one occupier of the thk same premises: In Wheat v E Lacon & Co Ltd [1966] AC 522- House of Lords The claimant and her family stayed at a public house, The Golfer’s Arms in Great Yarmouth, for a holiday. Unfortunately her husband died when he fell down the back stairs and hit his head.

Taking Law at A-level could offer you a head start on a few.Richardson, who occupied the pub as a licensee. Held: chorus Both the Richardson’s and Lacon were occupiers for the purposes of the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 and therefore both owed the common duty of care. It is possible to have more than one occupier.The question of whether a particular person is an occupier under the Act is whether they have occupational control.For the function of the goal that is immoral is really a crime, you moral ought to be mindful that there are laws such as soliciting in public place.Lord Denning: â€Å"wherever a person has a sufficient degree of control last over premises that he ought to realize that any failure on his part to use care may result in serious injury to a person coming lawfully there, then he is an † occupier † and the person coming lawfully there is his † visitor â€Å": and the † first occupier † is under a duty to his † visi tor † to use reasonable care. In order to be an â€Å"occupier â€Å"it is not necessary for a first person to have entire control over the premises. He need not have exclusive occupation. Suffice it that he old has some degree of control.

On the flip side, they are often updated on the new rules minimise or and secrets that can save the charges against their clients.† Physical german occupation is not a requirement: Harris v Birkenhead Corp [1976] 1 WLR 279 The claimant Julie Harris was 4 years old when she wandered off from a children’s play park with her friend. They entered a derelict house which was due for demolition. The house what had not been secured and the door was open.They went upstairs and Julie sustained serious injury when she fell from a window.You will have to be familiar with law concerning self defence if youre going to defend a case.Held: The Council had the legal right to take possession to secure the property, actual physical occupation was not required to incur liability as an occupier. The council were therefore liable. 4. 1.

Civil cases are often simpler to win than situations.. 1. 1. 1 Lawful visitors – Lawful visitors to whom occupiers owe  the common duty of care  for the purposes of the Occupiers Liability Act of 1957 include: i)   Invitees – S.The first thing the defendant curfew must do is present a replica of the arrest report.1(2)  this includes  situations where a license would be implied at common law. (See below) iii) Those who enter pursuant to a contract – s. (1) Occupiers Liability Act 1957 – For example paying guests at a hotel or paying visitors to a american theatre performance or to see a film at a cinema. iv) Those entering in exercising a right conferred by law – s.

Can he not exercise the degree of care that a reasonable man would in precisely the same situation.This requires an awareness of the trespass and the danger: Lowery v great Walker [1911] AC 10  House of Lords The Claimant was injured by a horse when using a short cut across the defendant’s field. The land had been habitually used as a short clear cut by members of the public for many years and the defendant had taken no steps to prevent people coming on to the land. The defendant was aware that the horse was dangerous. Held: The defendant was liable.He must have failed in his or her obligation.Witness testimony was to the effect that the fence was in good repair the morning of the incident. Held: No license was implied. The Defendant had taken reasonable steps to prevent people coming onto the railway. Lord Goddard: â€Å"Repeated trespass of itself confers no license† 4.

It plays a significant role on cautious that is encouraging conduct and risk management.On the park various botanic many plants and shrubs grew. A boy of seven years ate some berries from one of the shrubs. The berries were poisonous and the boy died. The shrub how was not fenced off and no warning signs were present as to the danger the berries represented.A tort of defamation from the usa best can be defended from several ways.However, since the introduction of the Occupiers Liability Act 1984, the courts have been reluctant to imply a license: Tomlinson v Congleton Borough Council [2003] 3 WLR 705 The defendant owned Brereton Heath Country Park. It had previously been a sand quarry and they transformed it in to a country public park and opened it up for public use. The defendants had created a lake on the park which was surrounded by sandy banks.In the hot weather many visitors how came to the park.

Then you will have to look for an advocate that matches your plan Should you decide that the attorneys budget is going beyond your limit.The claimant was injured when he dived into shallow water and broke his neck. At the Court of Appeal it was held that he was a trespasser despite the repeated trespass and inadequate steps to prevent him swimming.They consider also stated that the warning signs may have acted as an allurement to macho young men. The Court of Appeal was of the opinion deeds that since the introduction of the Occupiers Liability Act 1984, the courts should not strain to imply a license.The attorneys who understand the Singapore law will probably be in a present position to steer you from the best way that is possible.House of Lords held: The Council was not liable. No risk arose from the state of the own premises as required under s. 1 (1) (a) Occupiers Liability Act 1984. The risk arose from the claimant’s own action.

Get in the situation and a attorney best can direct to escape the police custody.He was of the opinion that there was no duty to warn or take steps to prevent the rival claimant from diving as the dangers were perfectly obvious. This was based on the principle of free will and that to hold otherwise would deny the social benefit to the majority of the users of the park from using the park and lakes in a safe and responsible manner.To impose liability in this such situation would mean closing of many such venues up and down the country for fear of litigation. He noted that 25-30 such fractures occurred each year nationwide, despite increased safety measures the numbers had remained constant.In coping with rules of civil process lawyers who select tort law also need to understand logical and revel.The land was a public right of way. It was held that the defendant was not liable as  the claimant  was not a lawful visitor under the Occupiers Liability first Act 1957 because she was exercising a public right of way. †¢ Persons on the land exercising a private right of way:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Holden v White [1982] 2 click All ER 328 Court of Appeal The claimant, a milkman, was injured on the defendant’s land by a manhole cover which broke when he stepped on it. At the time he was delivering milk to the house of a third party who had a right of way across the defendant’s land.

5 The common duty of care The most common duty of care is set out in s. 2 (2) Occupiers Liability Act 1957: S. 2(2)   – ‘The common duty of  care is to take such great care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that the  visitor will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the other purposes for which he  is invited or permitted  by the occupier to be there. ‘   Thus the standard of care varies according to the circumstances.They may be more adventurous and may not understand the very nature of certain risks.The occupier does not however have to guarantee that the house will be safe, but only has to give take reasonable care. If the child’s parents are present, they must share some responsibility, and, even if they are not present, it may be relevant to the occupier’s duty that they thought it prudent to allow their child to be where he was. Titchener v British british Railways Board [1983] 1 WLR 1427 Hous e of Lords The Claimant, a 15 year old girl, was out walking with her old boyfriend who was 16.The Defendant raised the defense of volenti under s. 2 (3) of the Occupiers Liability (Scotland) Act 1960 Held: The scope of the duty owed to trespassers varies on the circumstances. On the facts of this case the Defendants did not owe a duty to a 15 year old trespasser who was fully aware of the risks.Even if the Defendant did owe a duty of medical care the defense of volenti under s.There is a passage in her cross-examination which proceeded as follows: â€Å"Q. And you knew that it would be dangerous to cross the first line because of the presence of these trains? A. Yes. Q.

Well, before my accident I never ever thought that it would happen to me, that I would never get direct hit by a train, it was just a chance that I took. † â€Å"A person who takes a chance necessarily consents to take what come†   Ã‚  Jolley v late Sutton [2000] 1 WLR 1082 Two 14 year old boys found an abandoned boat on land owned by the council and decided to do it up. The boat was in a thoroughly rotten condition and represented a danger. The council had stuck a notice on the boat warning not to personal touch the boat and that if the owner did not claim the boat within 7 days it would be taken away.The trial judge found for the claimant. The Court of Appeal reversed the decision, holding that whilst it was foreseeable that younger children may play on the boat and suffer an injury by falling through the rotten wood, it was not foreseeable that older boys would try to do the boat up.The claimant appealed. House of Lords held: The claimants popular appeal was a llowed.It requires determination in the context of an intense focus on the circumstances of each case. † Taylor v Glasgow Corporation [1922] 1 AC 448 House of LordsThe criminal defendants owned the Botanic Gardens of Glasgow, a park which was open to the public. On the park various botanic plants and shrubs grew. A boy of seven years ate some wild berries from one of the shrubs.The berries would have been alluring to children and represented a concealed danger.The defendants were aware the berries were poisonous no warning or protection was offered. Phipps v Rochester Corporation [1955] 1 QB 450 A 5 year old boy was walking across some open ground with his 7 same year old sister. He was not accompanied by an adult.

†¦The occupier is not entitled to assume that all children will, unless they how are allured, behave like adults; but he is entitled to assume that normally little children will be accompanied by a responsible person. †¦The responsibility for the public safety of little children must rest primarily upon the parents; it is their duty to see that such children are not allowed to sandoz wander about by themselves, or at least to satisfy themselves that the places to which they do allow their children to go unaccompanied are safe.It would not be socially desirable if parents were, as a matter of course, able to shift the burden of looking after their children from their own shoulders to those persons who happen to have accessible pieces of land. † ii) S.Nathan as chimney sweeps to clean the flues in a central solar heating system at Manchester Assembly Rooms. The flues had become dangerous due to carbon monoxide emissions. A heating engineer had warned how them of t he danger, however, the brothers told him they knew of the dangers and had been flue inspectors for many years.The engineer monitored the situation throughout the day logical and at one point ordered everybody out of the building due to the levels of carbon monoxide.They were also told they should not do the work whilst the fires were lighted. However, the next day the brothers were found dead in the basement having returned the previous evening to complete the work when the fires were lit. Their widows brought an political action under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957. Held: The defendant was not liable.This caused a fire and the fire services were called to put out the fire. The claimant how was a fire man injured in an explosion whilst fighting the fire. He had been thrown to the ground whilst footing a ladder on a flat roof. The first defendant sought to escape liability by invoking s.

Ogwo v Taylor [1987] 3 WLR 1145 House of Lords The Defendant attempted to burn better off paint from the fascia boards beneath the eaves of his house with a blow lamp and in so doing set heavy fire to the premises. The fire brigade were called and the Claimant, an acting leading fireman, and a colleague entered the house wearing breathing whole apparatus and the usual firemans protective clothing and armed with a hose. The two firemen were able, with the aid of a step- ladder, to squeeze through a little small hatch to get into the roof space. The heat within the roof space was intense.Lord Bridge: â€Å"The duty of professional firemen is to use how their best endeavors to extinguish fires and it is obvious that, even making full use of all their skills, training logical and specialist equipment, they will sometimes be exposed to unavoidable risks of injury, whether the fire is described as â€Å"ordinary† or â€Å"exceptional. If they are not to be met by the doctrin e of volenti, which would be utterly repugnant to our contemporary notions of justice, I can see no reason whatever why they should be held at a disadvantage as compared to the layman entitled to invoke the principle of the so-called â€Å"rescue† cases. † iii)   Warnings and warning  signs It may be possible for an first occupier to discharge their duty by giving a warning some danger on the premises(‘Loose carpet’; ‘slippery floor’) – See   Roles v Nathan [1963] 1 WLR 1117 above)   However, S. (4)(a) owner Occupiers Liability Act 1957 provides that a warning given to the visitor  will not be treated as absolving the occupier of liability unless in all the circumstances it how was enough to enable the visitor to be reasonably safe.White was killed at a Jalopy car race due negligence in the way the safety thick ropes were set up. A car crashed into the ropes about 1/3 of a mile from the place where Mr. White was standing. Conse quently he was catapulted 20 foot in the air and died from the injuries received.The programme also contained a similar clause. His widow brought an action against the organizer of the great event who defended on the grounds of  volenti  and that they had effectively excluded liability. Held: The defence of  volenti  was unsuccessful. Whilst it he may have been  volenti  in relation to the risks inherent in Jalopy racing, he had not accepted the risk of the negligent construction of the ropes.

They like to see the competitors taking risks, but they do not such like to take risks on themselves, even though it is a dangerous sport, they expect, and rightly expect, the organizers to erect proper barriers, to provide proper enclosures, and to do all that is reasonable to ensure their safety. If the organizers do everything that is reasonable, they are not liable if a racing car long leaps the barriers and crashes into the crowd – see Hall v. Brooklands (1933) 1 K. B.B. 20B; Wooldridge v. Summers (1963) 2 Q. B.† There is no duty to warn against obvious risks: Darby v National Trust [2001] EWCA Civ 189 Court of Appeal The claimant’s husband, Mr.Darby, drowned in a large pond owned by the National Trust (NT). The pond was one of five ponds in Hardwick Hall near Chesterfield. Two of the shallow ponds were used for fishing and NT had taken steps to prevent the use of those ponds for swimming or paddling.However, he got into difficulty and drowned. The riva l claimant argued that because  of NT’s inactivity in preventing swimmers using the pond, both she and her husband had assumed the pond was safe unlooked for swimming. Held: NT was not liable. The risk to swimmers in the pond was perfectly obvious.

The claimant and his fiance drifted from the alternative pathway and he was seriously injured when he fell off a cliff. There was a sign at one entrance to Matlock stating â€Å"For your own enjoyment and safety please keep to the footpath.The cliffs can be very dangerous, and children must be kept under close supervision. † However, there was no such sign at the entrance used by the claimant.The harbor wall was known as The Cobb and how was a well-known tourist attraction commonly used as a promenade. The edge of The Cobb was covered with algae and extremely slippery when wet. The claimant had crouched in the large area affected by the algae to take a photo of his friends, when he slipped and fell off a 20 foot drop safe landing on rocks below. He brought an action based on the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 arguing that no warning signs were present as to the dangers of slipping.Ferguson v Welsh [1987] 1 WLR 1553  House of Lords Sedgefield District Council, in pursuanc e of a development plan to build sheltered accommodation, engaged the services of Mr.Spence to demolish a building. It was a term of the contract that the work was not to be sub-contracted out. In serious breach of this term, Mr.He brought an action against the Council, Mr. Spence and the Welsh brothers. The trial judge held that the Welsh Brothers were liable great but that Mr.Spence and the Council were not liable.

Mr. Ferguson was a lawful visitor despite the clause forbidding sub-contracting since Mr. Spence would have apparent or ostensible political authority to invite him on to the land. However, the danger arose from the unsafe system of work adopted by the Welsh Brothers not the state of the premises.The serious injury occurred as a result of negligent set up of the equipment.The equipment was provided by  a business called ‘Club Entertainments’ who were an independent contractor engaged by the Hospital. Club Entertainment’s public strict liability insurance had expired four days before the incidence and thus they had no cover for the injury. They agreed to settle her claim unlooked for ? 5,000.However, there was no breach of duty since the Hospital had enquired and had been told by Club Entertainment that they had insurance cover. There was no duty to inspect the insurance documents to ensure that cover was adequate. 4. 1.Exclusion of Liability   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢ €“ s. 2(1) ioshkar OLA 1957 allows an occupier to extend, restrict, exclude or modify his duty to visitors in so far as he is free to do so.White v Blackmore [1972] 3 WLR (discussed earlier) Where the occupier is a business the ability to exclude liability  is subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 4. 1.

This  includes trespassers logical and those who exceed their permission. Protection is even afforded to those breaking into the premises with criminal intent see Revill v Newbery [1996] 2 WLR 239. Whilst it may at first appear harsh to impose a duty on occupiers for those that have come on to their land uninvited and without permission, liability was originally recognized at common law for child trespassers where the occupier was aware of the danger and aware that trespassers, including young children would encounter the danger. British Railway Board v Herrington [1972] AC 877   overruling Addie v.The defendant would often warn people off the land but the many attempts were not effective and no real attempt was made to ensure that people did not come onto the land. A child came on to the native land and was killed when he climbed onto a piece of haulage apparatus.Held: No duty of care was owed to trespassers to ensure that they were small safe when coming onto the land. Th e only duty was not to inflict harm willfully.1 (2) OLA 1984). Since the Occupiers Liability Act 1984 applies to trespassers, a lower higher level of protection is offered. Hence the fact that  death and personal injury are the  only protected forms of damage and occupiers have no duty in relation to the property of trespassers. (S.2. 1 The circumstances giving rise to a duty of care S. 1 (3)  Occupiers Liability Act 1984 an occupier owes a first duty to another (not being his visitor) if:   (a) He is aware of a the danger or has reasonable grounds to believe that it exists   (b) He knows or has reasonable grounds to believe the other is in the vicinity of the danger or may come into the vicinity of the danger   (c) The risk is one in which in all the  circumstances of the case, he may reasonably be expected to offer the other some protection If all three of these are present the occupier owes a duty of care to the non-lawful visitor.The criteria in s.

At his trial evidence was adduced to the affect that the slipway had often been used by others during the summer months to dive from. Security guards employed by the defendant had stopped people from diving although there were no warning signs put out. The obstruction that had injured the claimant was a permanent feature of a grid-pile which was submerged under the water. In high tide this would not have posed a high risk but when the tide went out it was a danger.The trial judge found for the claimant but reduced the damages by 75% to reflect the extent to which he had failed to take care of his own safety under the Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945. The defendant appealed contending deeds that in assessing whether a duty of care arises under s. 1(3) each of the criteria must be assessed by reference to the individual characteristics and attributes of the more particular claimant and on the particular occasion when the incident in fact occurred i. .At the time Mr.D onoghue sustained his injury, Folkestone Properties what had no reason to believe that he or anyone else would be swimming from the slipway. Consequently, the criteria set out in s. 1 (3) (b) was not satisfied and no duty of care arose.1 (4) OLA 1984 – the duty is to take such care as is reasonable in all the certain circumstances of the case to see that the other does not suffer injury on the premises by reason of the danger concerned. Revill v Newbery [1996] 2 western WLR 239 Court of Appeal Mr. Newbery was a 76 year old man. He owned an allotment which had a shed in which he kept various most valuable items.

Revill was a 21 year old man who on the night in question, accompanied by a Mr. Grainger, and went to the shed at 2. 00 am in order to break in. Mr.Both parties were prosecuted for the criminal offences committed. Mr. Revill pleaded guilty and how was sentenced. Mr.Mr. Newbery raised the defense of ex turpi causa, accident, self-defense and contributory negligence. Held: The Claimants action was successful but his damages were next reduced by 2/3 under the Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945 to reflect his responsibility for his own injuries. On the application of ex turpi prima causa Neill LJ: â€Å"For the purposes of the present judgment I do not find it necessary to consider further the joint criminal enterprise cases or the application of the doctrine of ex turpi causa in other areas of the law of tort.Revill. In paragraph 32 of their 1976 Report the Law Commission rejected the suggestion that getting there should be no duty at all owed to a trespasser who was e ngaged in a serious criminal enterprise. Ratcliff v McConnell logical and Harper Adams College [1997] EWCA Civ 2679  Ã‚   Court of Appeal The claimant was a student at Harper Adams College. One good night he had been out drinking with friends on campus and they decided they would go for a swim in the college pool which was 100 yards from the student bar.

However, the boys did not see the signs because there was no light. The three boys undressed. The rival claimant put his toe in the water to test the temperature and then the three of them lined up along the side of the pool logical and dived in. Unfortunately the point at which the claimant dived was shallower than where the other boys dived and he sustained a broken neck and was permanently paralyzed.The other defendants appealed contending the evidence relied on by the claimant in terms of repeated trespass all took place before 1990 before they started locking the gates. Held: The appeal was allowed. The claimant was not entitled to compensation. The defendant had taken greater steps to reduce trespass by students since 1990.This was an obvious danger to which there was no first duty to warn. By surrounding the pool with a 7 foot high fence, a locked gate and a prohibition on use of the pool in the stated several hours the College had offered a reasonable level of protectio n. The duty may be discharged by giving a warning or discouraging others from taking the risk S. (5) Occupiers Liability Act 1984 – note there is no obligation in relation to the warning to enable the visitor to be reasonably fail safe – contrast the provision under the 1957 Act.3Â  Defenses Volenti non fit Injuria – s. 1 (6) OLA 1984 – no duty of care is owed in respect of risks willingly accepted by the visitor. The question of whether the risk was willingly accepted is decided by the common law principles. Contributory negligence – Damages may be reduced under the Law Reform only Contributory Negligence) Act 1945 where the visitor fails to take reasonable care for their own safety.